There are presently no open calls for submissions.
What do we want?
We want writing that is compelling, surprising, frightening, brutal, and hopeful. Writing that’s bold. Writing that doesn’t bore us to tears. We do have an inclination towards works with an international flavor, works that converse with the vast world we live in, but if you think your work is good, we would definitely like to read it.
We welcome unsolicited fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, previously unpublished in English.
If you submit a translated piece, we may ask you to also send us the original text. Please note that the translator will be responsible for obtaining the original author’s permission.
We accept works in English only.
Simultaneous Submissions?
Have no fear. We accept simultaneous submissions. However, kindly withdraw your submission as soon as it is accepted somewhere else. You can easily withdraw your work from inside of your Submittable. If a single poem from your submission is accepted elsewhere, go ahead and make a note in Submittable, as opposed to withdrawing the entire manuscript. We'll continue to review the remainder of your pieces.
What Should You Send?
- Send us only your best work.
- Send only one short story or essay at a time. For poetry, please compile up to five poems in a single document. Please wait to hear a response from us before submitting more work.
- Prepare your work as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, or .txt file.
- We'd love to learn more about you so send us a short bio. If you are submitting a translation, send us a brief bio of the original author in addition to your own. Please note that we retain the right to edit bios and photos before they go up for publication.
- If you are submitting a translation, give us a heads-up regarding the permission status you've acquired from the original author.
How to Submit Your Work?
We accept submission through out submission manager system which is FREE and lets you check the status of your submission at any time. Click HERE to submit your work.
Are You an Artist?
Here at PARAGRAPHITI, we are proud of all of our artists and publish stunning pieces of art alongside our pieces. If you would like to work with PARAGRAPHITI, we are more than happy to check out your stuff. Please send us samples of your works and/or links to your portfolio, and we will contact you.
We are currently unable to provide monetary compensation for the materials we accept for publication.
By sending us your work, you allow PARAGRAPHITI to publish it on our website, and we receive the first serial rights in our digital editions. The copyright reverts to the author immediately upon publication. PARAGRAPHITI also reserves the right to keep your work in its archive for an indefinite time and use all or parts of it for promoting this website as advertisement. We also reserve the right to modify your bio and illustrate your literary work as we see fit. We may also put a downloadable audio version of your work on our website for our readers to enjoy. Although we will consider the possibility of recording the writer, poet, or translator’s voice for the audio version, we reserve the right to choose a different voice artist or reader to recite your work. We reserve the right to remove your work from our publications without prior notice. By submitting to PARAGRAPHITI you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.
Any questions?
If you have any questions, or if you experience any problems with the submission manager, please send us an email at paragraphiti[AT]yahoo[DOT]com.